
Cheetah is a scalable static site generator. For simple sites, it generates pure HTML. For more complicated sites and apps, you can add JavaScript either through regular scripts or through components.

FlakeHub build


Sites as Flakes

The recommended way to install Cheetah is by creating a flake.nix to build your site.

Here’s a simple one to get you started (based on the one used for Cheetah’s docs):

  inputs = {
    cheetah.url = "github:aleksrutins/cheetah";
    utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

  outputs = { self, utils, cheetah }:
    let config = {
      # Pass your configuration options here.
    in utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
      packages =
        let pkgs = (import nixpkgs) { inherit system; };
        in rec {
          default = (cheetah.buildSite.${system} ./. {
            name = "site";
            inherit config;

          container = cheetah.createContainer.${system} {
            inherit pkgs;
            site = default;
            options = {
              name = "site-container";
              inherit config;

      devShells.default = (cheetah.createDevShell.${system} { inherit config; });

To build your site, just use nix build . - see workflows/docs.yml on GitHub for an example of how to use this in CI.

Important Note: If you choose this route (which I hope you do), I recommend adding _build and cheetah.toml to your .gitignore if you plan to use the provided dev shell. I also recommend setting up direnv with use flake as general advice for any Nix Flake project.

Normal Usage

Alternatively, you can use it as a normal binary.

Nix Flakesgithub:aleksrutins/cheetah

Now, move on to Getting Started.